Sunday, September 2, 2018

Review on cross behind bars

The Cross Behind BarsThe Cross Behind Bars by Jenny Cooke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a nice biographical account of the prision ministry of Reverend Noel Proctor beginning with his background as a child growing up in turbluent times in Belfast in the 1930s to the present of 1980s when this book was published.

I enjoyed this book for having the perspective of christian experience and testimony. It is easy to read and follow although did appear at times to me that some of conversations recalled by Noel were extended and adlibbed by the author. I found there was a lot that could be learned from Noel's life in his confrontations with evil, trust, trauma, hardship and moving on in God's will.

It is very interesting to note how this book details Noel's service during the prision riots of the late 70s/early 80s at Strangeways Prision which was taken over and became a staging event for an infamous riot that led to the 1 death and 47 injured.This book is in direction of light of faith in oneself.

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