Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Challenging destiny ... Shivaji maharaj

Challenging Destiny A Biography of Chhatrapati ShivajiChallenging Destiny A Biography of Chhatrapati Shivaji by Medha Deshmukh Bhaskaran
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

At the times when most of the Indian subcontinent was swamped with Muslim invaders, a brave warrior leads a war for Swaraj.
"Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj".
Chhatrapati Shivaji's life is an inspiration and idol for every Indian, for he dreamed but achieved such things nobody in that era thought or could even possibly dare to do.
The biography touches all major incidents of Shivaji's life.
When destiny stood between him and his destination and when Darkness had capsized the Indian subcontinent.
This great raja from the reign of Marathi walked in front of the battlefield alike one LION roaring and widening his red eyes broad to match with that of his enemy.
The 17th century is destined to be an era of brutal wars, incessant oppression, and physical and spiritual carnage in the name of religion.
Shivaji, The only one such great mighty warrior and thinker far ahead of his times, renders a rousing dream - of respect, and dignity for human life.
Destiny never favoured him; he faces several odds - a fallen and defeated populace, the might of the Mughal Empire, and naval supremacy of the Western powers.
Thus begins the battle, of conflicting ideologies and sharply wide visions of India .a stake, is the future of most ancient civilization and the echoes of which still haunt the subcontinent.

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